Commodores Weekend
Saturday Feb 15th, 2025 | All Day

Commodores Weekend
February 15/16th
All are invited to the annual Commodores Weekend.
A fun weekend kicking off on Saturday at Sullivan's Bay, with a race back to the Weiti on Sunday.
6am – 12.30 pm - Fishing competition
12 pm - Set up ashore – please come and help!!!
12.30 pm - Weigh in for Fishing Competition
1 - 3 pm - Dinghy races, Launchies versus Yachties tug of war,
egg and spoon races, lolly scramble, running & sack races,
sand castle competition (judging at 2.30pm)
3 pm - Commodores message, winners announced for the
sand castle, colouring in and fishing competition
3.15 pm - BBQ starts - Meat & Drinks Supplied, Please bring a salad.
Colouring Competition:- Four age groups:
3-6 yrs - Tug Boat or Boaty Scene
7-12 yrs - Boaty Scene
13-16 yrs - Boaty Scene
Over 16 - Boaty Scene
Ages 3-6 yrs

All others