~ Est. 1968 ~
Working Bee
Friday Oct 1st, 2027 | 9:00 am - 12:00 pm
SUNDAY1st October 9.00AM
Getting ready for the Open Day, and the long hot summer ahead. There are a few jobs that need knocking off.
Some of which are:
- Paint picnic tables
- Paint White Hand rail
- Remove rail from interior white wall in club house
- Paint interior wall (big wall)
- Take off curtains in the club
- Remove and clean Weiti Logo signs
- Waterblast the filtration compound
- Pressure wash the guttering above front door of club.
- Repair gutter above filtration door and roadside of upriver dinghy locker.
- Mangrove clearing
- Move shed vice into woodshed
Please put your hand up for a job, so we know we have it all covered. You'll need to bring tools too if you have them.
Drop me a line at info@weiti.co.nz.